Friday, July 18, 2008

Do You Love By Looks???

Quick,think of one group at school that you would never be seen with-they are too weird,too wild,too boring,too goth,too stoned,too "something" for your taste.Yet they are excluded from you loving them as a friend?

Next question:To what extent does their appearance put you off??Really the hippy skirts that repel you?Or is it the "perfect" hair?The Saks label?Too many tats and piercings,or not enough?

Ah,when will we feel in our gut what our mind tells us is true,that we cant always trust our eyes to give us the whole story about someone?

Here,we can get something of an object lesson in the Bible in 1st Samuel 16:1-11
about how Samuel,a judge and prophet in ancient Isreal,went about choosing Isreal;s next king.God had choosed Sam with the mere clue that it would be one of the son of Jesse in the Jerusalem.Right off the bat he notices the oldest son,Eliab-tall and handsome."Hmmm,so this must be the next king,huh,God?Samuel mused silently.

And just as silently,God responded to Samuel,"Dont judge by his appearance or height...."The lord doesn't make decisions the way you do!!People judge by outward appearance,but the Lord looks at a person's thoughts and intentions.

My friends,God is very very real!!alot of my friends already experienced it before and even myself...Although some of you may never heard about his stories,but he have been standing at the door of your heart,knocking...and just wait for you to open the door.Remember!!he doensn't judge you by your appearance but your willingness in your heart...God loves you...

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