Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Clubing?This is a very hot topic for nowadays youngster...Every Youngster's dream place to go Whenever they turn 18...Even not 18 some of them illegaly enter...When they enter these places,they thaught they can release stress,have fun,Like very "Yeng",Like very mature enough to drink alcohol which some of them even underage..THese aRe Few questions idiots ussually ask...heY ClubbINg nex week?hEY go where cLubbINg??Rumms???MaisoN???Barcelonna??PoPPy???MaRdigrass??? or other place....hahaXX sound really stupid and idiot rite???actually I m also one of the idiot last time....Drink like no one care,dance like idiot,and do alot other foolish things der...Had wasted alot of money and also time...come back home around 5 in the morning....almost evryweek my life is lidat...once u go in u will go second time....I knew a girl...she is a very good daughter at home....She is even a good student at school last time...BUT she lIke to go clubing..at first she went in there just to "experience" only..and later she really addicted of clubbing...have lost contact for 1 year...recently i heard from her friends...she been.........aikxxx,i really feel bad for her...Why is this happening to a fren of mine..Luckily i cut this habit although i m not a girl...To all my friends out there...I really hope u all DONT ENTER this stupid place...Must love ur own body because it is god's santuarry....Say no to alcohol and club!!!
Jesus Love U All@@


Sue Wen said...

That's so true.

l.y. said...

yeah tc rocks!!!!

O.O. i didnt know u went clubbing till 5 am last time.luckily i didn't know...if not u might not be toking to me now..lol.jk. haha..

good for u la..:) and true,clubbing is....is...is...waste of time n SLEEP!!! :P

Just Me said...

bad guy gone good ady..
nice to hear tht
study hard wer~

Margaret Lau said...

lalala. Margy agrees too!
Waste of money and time.