Friday, May 16, 2008


Father,I caNt see My future....i waN to give 100% concentration on sTudy..financiaL not very good...need to work to earN my study fee?but sometimes there is no chOice...if There is a chances to Choose..i wouLd want to be just like other normaL student I know.....

Father,my parents are getting older...and thier health are getting worse....not knowing when they goin to leave me..not knowing whether they could see me on my graduation and wedding day...not knowing there is a chance treat them back...

Father,I finnaLy come to learN how to let not easy......i always told her that i gave up...but in fact everytime i saw her i cant control my own feelings,and i become very pathetic...Doing aLL things tHAt knowing It is Not worth...but father plS pls bless and protect both of them...

Father,i Know sOmetimes i M lack of faith...alwaYs giving Up easily wheN face soMe problems....But U never give uP on Me...continue talKing to me using differeNt waYs.... I stiLL haVe alonG waY to waLk lord,dOnt know How much temptation i goiNg to faLL aGain,doNt know hoW mucH failUre i going tO meeT,dOnt How strOng i m goinG tO face aLL these Problems....faTher,tHe deViL caN taKe away everything fRom me,mY weaLth,my heaLth,mY relatioNship,or even mY life..but he wiLL never taKe u away frOm me....NEVER!!

1 comment:

Sue Wen said...

yeah may God strengthen yr faith! =D keep praying.