Monday, May 5, 2008


yaY!!!tomoLO last DaY wOrkIn iN wisma genTinG!!!MuahahahaX...HurraYxx...cheh..not reallY hapPy actualLy...aikxxx..StiLL need to face Exam Nex month..shit....prepaRation Not enUf...wan to give Up...aikxxx...todaY had been headache whOle daY because of dA stuPit sysTem use By cO...SAP...sOme exPENSIVE sYSteM but is Known aS stuPid a** SyStEM In DA cOMPAnnY..AHAHAHA...iT is Very Slow Eh...How I WiSh da TIme Were 6 todaY!!!hahahahaaikxx...Write More TOmOLo la..laZy!!hahax..

1 comment:

Margaret Lau said...

stop working? a good thg and a bad thg at the same time. no money but more time. all the best in yr coming exam. get going! =D