Thursday, May 8, 2008

wisMa gentiNg..

i sHould Post dIs On weDnesDay..but alOt ThinGs haPPening dis feW daYs....aiKxx....tuEsdaY was My lasT daY of worKin In wIsma gentIng...HMm Quite Miss All mY freInds There...aLmosT 4 Month wOrkIn there..and alot sweeT and BItter meMorIes....THis 4 moNth here is Neither Long Nor shOrt...aCtuaLLY if goT chaNces i realLLy waN to continue workIn here...aLthoUgh aLot PPl inside da departmenT..but we aLL realLY like 1 Big family....aLot eVents goIn On Besides onlY workIng workIn and workiN...Hmmm...realLy learN alot thiNg this 4 Of it is moneY Not eaSy to earn...hahax...Now I finnaly understaNd and realLy use my Money wiselY CompaRe to lasT time...Inside this FinaNce department..they divided into few divison...First world,Resort world berhad,accoUnt payable,AwaNa,crediT control,A&G,sHow and other i aLso dUNoo..hahax..I m accouNtable iN first world...inside first world also divided into few sections..i m doin income audit and fixed assets.......First worLd got aBout 40 ppls...and they are reallY friendlY...hmmmm..if i given a chance to treat lunch i would like to treat siu hei,erIn,waN and chueh hOOn...hahax..I m Not "kiam sap" or "Gu hon" oNly treat 4 of them...but they really help me alot this 4 month...i really feel so ugly to disturb them while they are busy...hmmm really thX so mUCh!!!anyway i also waN to say thank yOu to aLL the PPl i Noe ther(too Much to be mentioned)and really sorry if i do anything irritate u aLL..hahaxx..aLL the BesT BRO And sIS In WG!!!hehex...


Love Story said...

u work in genting?can i know what is the office hours?

Love Story said...

u work in genting,wisma genting?can i know office hours?

Love Story said...

dont know,i saw ur blog from net.i bout friday and saturday?is it working?same 8.30 to 6.00?