Tuesday, April 29, 2008

THe SOpO grOUP!!

intrOduce U peggY!!!

ThIS aH BIn!!

MY ForeVer FrienDs!!hehex

TOday Is LasT daY for Peggy aNd Bin Bin!!lasT week waS angel...anD me IS neX wedNesdaY!!hahax...ouR gRoup goIn oUt 1 bY 1...Very HappY to Get TO Noe U aLL here...aNd Thx fOr aLLL the haPPiness and sorrownEs wE SPent toGEther..hahaxx THe sOpo GrOUp!!lolzz..alTHough I m THe Only GUY here..hahaxx...Take caREXX aLL MY frIends IN wIsma GEntiNG and alSO outsidE other CompanY!!!wIsh U alL haVe a Good FuturE!!

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