Sunday, April 27, 2008

I waNt a Pure HearT jUs to hoNouR u...

I canT control mYself again..lettinG my self control by satan...yEsterday service healing and deliverance i cant realease da BiG saTan oUt of My hearT again..i thaught i already shOo him away but He stiLL inside My hearT and cOntrolIng mY thinking...To all my Friend i M really sorry for someTImes dat I shoW some Ugly attItude infRont oF u all...i reallY dunnO hOw to FacE u alL...yesterdaY heaLLing and delIverance waS a totally dIssapOinting momEnt for me....i dissapOiNted aLL my frenZ,i dissapoinTed my leaders,i dissapointed god aGain...Yesterday Night is a Night I wiLL nevEr forget caUse i Broke mY cross...i tHrow away My cross...i dunno wHy But i Got thIS negaTive thiNking..that i want to walK away frOM hiM...i waN to give Up myself..i Very tired to gO churcH...oMg dis Is Jus nOT me...NO!!NOO!!!i dowan my historY happeN agaiN....i Wan tO be sTronG,i waN to BE heaL..i waN tO Love Him More,i waN to frEE frOm deVil,I juSt WANT A Pure HEART tO serVe,hOnoUR aND wORshiP Him In mYlfe!!!!sOmetimes i reaLLy hate Wat i said here..i Only nOe How to say buT harD to maKe it realitY...i haV Not eNuf faith iN hIm...BUt i dOwan to Be parT frOm hiM....todaY i receiVe a gOod News which I praYed last weeK and he aNswer My prayer again ...i Believe he stIll Bless me,I belIeVe he Still prOtect me,I belieVe hE still havnt Give Up on me...but...i already give up so easily sometimes..god I really Feel so hard Now....GOD!!!PLs heal my heart riGht now...TeacH me How to live iN ur path...OpeN my eyes tO see waT coRrEct...ShoW me How love...PLS pLS breaK mY heaRT lIKe i Break urs..pls lord...god pls give me a pure heart OnlY u there.....i plaN to fast tHis weeK tO seeK fOr ur forgiveness...and pray pray pray and pray...aT firsT i Was abit afraid caUse i sacre I will GIve Up easily,i scare I M not worth, i scare i coUldnt ...but with Two wiLLingness sUpport froM frEn i wIll Be MorE stroNG...Thx sO Much WaikeaT aND sEakNy...I was quitE supRise daT Both oF theM wIllinG to fasT with ME and pray together eventHOugh I diN teLL theM wat is haPPening wIth me..wE waNt tO fIght da deVil toGetHer...GO awAy sataN frOm cYc!!lord pls Let us see SomethiNg lord During this period....lord Pls GuidE us anD coUld sEE oUr HuNgger heaRt foR u...owH goD Pls giVE us a PuRe hearT....

1 comment:

Seakny said...

sopo tim ci...haha^^
im here 2 drop a comment 2 u lolz...^^
praise lord!!!
hapi tat u stil wil wake up from tis...
hapi tat u said u 1nna b strong,heal,n love Him more...
hapi tat u shocked out u 1nna b free from devil...
i believe u can do it,u can overcome it,u can solve it v GOD!!!
by the way,fight 2gether,remember u r nt alone in His narrow way ok??faith is come from God,He wil improve ur faith through tis...
trust it v ur PURE HEART...
God bless my bro...