Saturday, April 12, 2008

I M bACK!!!!

WAlAuuu!!!cannot believe!!i can Login tO my bloG aGain after thousand aTTempts cause i FoRgot my pasword and email!!amazaINg eh although use morE deN 1 Hour to try...swT=.=.. realLy wan tO writE alot stuff before dis, and really alot things happened to me...but luckily der is one person who is der always support me, never leave me,always hold me,and most importantly never care who i and love me so so much...aIkxx...i always ask dis question...why would u love me dat much eventhough i hurt u so much sometimes???why u still stand beside me and never leave me???wHy I neVer reallY appreciate U???aikxxx...i noe i noe iS wronG,but i jus caNt controL myself and dO thiNgs to Hurt u....i m Goin to be a Real rEal maN toMolo..cant slEEep tonight..tOmolO is My first tiMe thaT our rElationshiP will be turninG intO another moRe mature stage..i m really happy and sad at my mind is fuLL of thoughts and questions....caN i waLk on ur waY forever?caN U reallY forgive mE wat i hav doNe last tiMe??aM i too weaK to faCe any proBlem In future??wHy whY wHY der is alot of questioNSmarK???is mY faith noT enuf??aikxx..i reallY reallY wan to sPend alL my time wit U..How i Wish dat der is tiMe machine that can brIng me back tO my youth..cause i haVe waste mY alot of my youth time to serve u!!i Once doubt u and Turn away From U cause i hav no faith in u...i hate myself for being so so weak....BUT nOw NOmatter waT happen I wILL NOt Not turN away frOm u..i will not let the history haPPened to me again...i wILL be stROng tO waLK wit U....i mUS be STRONG to Fight Da enemY!!!i wiLL Not denIed u!!!i wan to love u more than mself!!i just Wan ur TOuch so much... i m hunger For u!!!!i M reallY glad That i know u...u really change My life sO much!!!and i M jus cant dO anything to repay u..i m ready to use by u and only u...i LOvE u^^THank You sO mUCHHHH@@

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