hahaxx...found this thing intresting in my freinds blog...before going,tag dis intresting thing..hehex^^
1.Wai kiet
3.Jun Hoh
4.Zheng wei
6.Boon guan
8.Jane Gan
9.Ashley Mah
10.Kar seng
12.Yi han
13.Yee Hong
14.Ling yok
15.Jen yi
18.Sze min
19.John Siew
20.Ji herng
How did you meet 14?
Hmm,get to know her since form 2...she is da smartest person in the class...so always borrow her homework to "refer"hahax...
What would you do if you have never met 1?
I can tell u that,he is the best friend u ever meet..although not knowing very long....he willing to sit there and listen to ur problem although not knowing how to solve it...but at least he try his best to help u without motives...if i dunno him,i think i will stay like last time...no motivation,fun and happy time...the most greatest thing is that we worship and praise god together...love god and motivate eact other...he could make u laugh when u sad and make u cry when u happy..hahax...anyway..he is the best and trustable person u could ever find...hmmm..to all the girls outside..very very sorry because he is not single anymore..hahhax...anyway who is intrested to know him send me a comment ya...introduce to u...wakkakakaka^^
What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
WAhhhh...they are...quite accurate worr...of Course i wiLL be happy On behalf of them..they are my best friend..hehex^^
Did you ever like 19?
Walau he is a guy who i noe in wisma genting...hahax..like as a friend la...lolz..but he is a kind guy who like to help people..
Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
Hmm..i think they dunno each other....AND IS IMPOSIBBLE....one is short and one is tall...one is super quite and one is super noisy sapo!!hahax^^
Describe 3.
HE is SUPER fUNNy Guy...hahax...without him my secondary life will be very very boring...he could talk things u would not believe and do thing that u would laugh until teeths drop...know him since form 1...anyone who is near to him..u could only hear laughing...He like to sing alot eventhough he duno how to sing...anyway when he is serious he can be quite serious...he like to help other whenever got problems,eventhough himself also got problems which not yet solve...Hmm one advise to u my friend...study hard lor....dun always play liao..hahax^^
Do you think 8 is attractive?
YEAHHH!!!VERY ATTRACTIVE daRed not to say opposite..hahaxx..she is very very good leader..hehex..^^
Tell me something about 7.
Margaret is a smart person....same age as me..but when u see her standing wit me u would thaught she is my small sister...taking law course now in brickfield....she is a good listener..hmm..one memories deep inside me of her is when i form 4...still remember form 4 after the anti dadah drama practice we play police and thief..she could give 100% there...jus like a small kid..ahhahx(hope she dun kill me now)but honestly tell u...whenever i got problem she really willing to listen to my problem...gOd bless u my friend!!
Do you know any of 12's family?
DUnno...he is my best college friend...he is very good in accounting..dun play play^^
What's 18's favourite?
ermm..not sure...but one thing i sure bout her is she like to laugh no matter wat happen..that why we call her sapo..hahax..anyway she is funny person...
Who is 9 going out with?
She ar...she is one of the most talkative girl u could never find...goin out wit her u will never find peace...hahax..hmmm i think she got quite alot of friends...i can Honestly teLL u SHE treat all her friends with heart...not a single fake ther...she is a great person..hehex^^...thxs to her that i m going back to church..hehex^^
How old is 16 now?
19 yet look like 14(height problem)hehex...
When was the last time you talked to 13?
Wednesday..u will never ending talk crap wit him..hahax..but is quite fun...hahax@@
Who's 2's favourite band/singer?
Hmm...i think is doraemon...hahax..he is a strong christian..i think he like hillsong,plannetshaker and city harvest..HE is a STRONg person...hehe@@
Would you date 4?
wHy nOt...we are S.H.E..hahax...i like hanging out with him cause u will hear alot funny stuff....hehex...he is a nice and funny person that always provide u transports to church and home because he like to server people under god names.....He is a great person who like to share out his experinces to me...he loves god more than himself...but he like to eat so much..hahax..mus diet lor my friend..hehex^^
Would you date 7?
OF course...she so nice...hahax...she still owe me sushi afterall...hahax^^
Is 15 single?
What's 10's last name?
Seng(can call him KAR SENG KOR)
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 13?
IN THE NAME OF JESUS I REJECT IT..hahax..me and Him is totally imposible..hahax...i like girl and so does him..hahax...anyway he is a great friend...
Which school does 3 go to?
TAMAN DESA 1...He is PENGAWAS Ther leh..dun play play^^
Where does 6 live?
sOmewher near Happy garden...that place no public trasport..need to walk at least 20 min oni reach bus stand..sad la boon...but he got car leh..hahax^^
What's your favourite thing about 5?
Hmm Alot leh....he is a kind person!!!hahax...always buy me souvenir when he go oversea...know him since form 1...very very good and always treat his friend...
Is 11 a good friend?
SURE!!!hahax.....he always treat me Chicken rice in tmn desa...hahax...miss his chicken rice now...he hav a good mother...miss his house..hahax..god bless u my friend!!