Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pastor Jay Koopman...

"Live to glory god names not ours!!"

Tonight Pastor Jay Koopman an annointing speaker came to FGA CYC...He had delivered a great messages to us....He remind us to be more then a Christian....He also ask us to be like King David:
1.Must have heart of worship..
2.Be a brave warrior in christ...
3.Dare to go to war...
4Makes good decisions...
5.Be a good looking man...
6.Must always put god inside you..

Tonight he really encourage me alot...Looking foward for his next messageXP

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ya tOu at 8Tv...Xp

Support them ya!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How to be attractive???

Today i learn alot of things in today service with Pastor Zhang...One of them is HOW TO BE ATTRACTIVE???i always thought look is important here,but look does not last forever....there are 3 main points giving me a deep impression...

First,to be attractive...your attitude must be very good and your characters must be extraordinary....Extraordinary here simply mean be yourself back...dont try to act another persons...Do everything with a sincere and truth heart...

Secondly,we must have a lot of extra knowledge compare to others..this is because knowledge will last even when you get old compare to a person look....everyone will indirectly stick to you just because u know alot of things and you will be a walking encyclopedia to them...

Lastly,you must open your heart...Here actually means u must not be shy or keep your mouth shut just because you are not good in communication skills..The shy here means you dont really know how to express your feelings...

Sometimes I really wonder whether am i attractive enough and I know i totally getting out from this three points...I couldnt find back the feelings...I totally lost my confident towards myself....I really feel shit with this fake face inside just not me....where is the cheering side of me gone!!??!!Pray...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy birthdaY aH BooooooOon!!

Hpy 20th BddaY la BrO!!!MaY ur all Wishes Come trUE!!!